about me

well hello there! glad you’ve stopped by. my name is chloe noller, from the great state of washington! i am currently a student at hillsdale college pursuing a degree in american studies and military history. while i enjoy learning and studying, i also LOVE being outdoors! you’ll find me hiking, kayaking, or just sitting by a lake reading :) i LOVE coffee and am attempting to become a connoisseur ;) you definitely will see me in a coffee shop, working on homework or catching up with a friend. 

i’m a passionate daughter of the King, working to shine His light to this dark world and share the good news of the gospel to everyone i meet. i love our beautiful nation of america and i want to do everything i can to preserve it and it’s original founding values. 

thank you so much for stopping by, i hope i can be an encouragement and inspiration to you! 


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